USB Assemblies

Alysium-Tech offers USB1.1, USB2 and USB3 assemblies for Industrial Applications, which have superior capabilties and quality levels than products made for Consumer Electronics applications. Industrial, screw locking connectors ensure reliable use even in environments with vibrations.
Specialising in higher performance cable capabilities, extended length solutions of USB2 and USB3
to >8M (for passive assemblies) are available.
Please see the comprehensive selection of angled terminations in the Alysium Machine Vision cable configurator.
Go to Machine Vision Configurator
Please contact us for more information or send us an email at [email protected]
A74-9857 Type A to C
A74-3725 Type C to C
A74-9968 Type A to µB
A74-2834 Type C to MB
A74-6659 Type A to B
Roll over to see Product Attributes and Benefits.