Our Core Activities
Alysium-Tech is your partner for high performance
interconnect solutions. Strong production and engineering capabilities contributes to high quality, superior, reliable and cost-efficient solutions, which extend your competitive advantage.
With significant experience in the fields of connectors, cables and cable assemblies, we can ensure highly
professional, experienced support for your projects. We look forward to engineering and supplying the optimal interconnect solution for your applications.
The Motivating Factors
- High performance interconnect solutions
- Advanced technical capability
- Optimised products
- Early design involvement
- Market leadership
This in turn, contributes to better quality, more capable, reliable
and / or more cost-efficient systems, which can extend our customers‘ competitive advantage.
Commitment to Quality
Superior quality is a prerequisite property of all of our products and services. Be that through the use of product qualifications like UL or CSA, or facility based certifications like ISO9001 or ISO/TS 16949. Submission of support documentation, such as PPAP, PSW and ISIR is familiar and available on request. All our products are RoHS compliant.

2017: Movement into new HQ in Nuremberg. Doubling the office & stock space.
2017: CameraLink HS Active Optical Assemblies developed & released.
2016: A+ Type C Assemblies for industrial usage released.
2016: Shielded, floating B2B connector series released for Industrial/Automotive applications.
2016: New HighSpeed B2B Family released.
2016: Patent for A+ Design granted.
- 2015: Preparation for further Growth, which includes hiring new staff in sales and engineering, but also production size.
- 2014: Introduction of the A+ Generation, which includes the patent pending RJ45 Die-Cast Assemblies.
- 2014: Further Invest in Qualification Processes for HighSpeed Interconnections.
- 2013: ATG expand Office in Nuremberg, doubling again Office Space.
- 2013: Set up of new Qualification and test Centre in MY.
- 2012: ATS moves to new office.
- 2012: Foundation of Alysium-Tech America LLC.
- 2011: New FFC Configurator released.
- 2011: Foundation of Alysium-Tech Ltd in the United Kingdom.
- 2010: Alysium becomes member of AIA.
- 2010: New Website released
- 2010: New Circular Connector Catalogue released.
- 2010: ATG moves to new office in Kühnertsgasse 5 (from Kühnertsgasse 14), doubling Office Space.
- 2010: ATS moves to new office in new Empire SOHO Complex in Subang Jaya.
- 2010: In conjunction with I-PEX, ATG unveils new Auto-Lock FFC/FPC connector for P0.5 for display and automotive markets.
- 2009: Co-operation with IPEX Co. Ltd, formalised, allowing greater focus on new connector technologies.
- 2009: ATG ISO9001 certification upgraded to ISO9001:2008.
- 2009: In conjunction with Hitachi Cable, ATG starts promotion of high performance, impedance-matched FFC for display applications.
- 2008: Expansion of European Warehousing, with target to further enhance product lead times.
- 2008: Factory expansion, with new moulding and testing equipment.
- 2008: Initiation of co-operation with David Electronics Ltd and Attend Inc (Chant Sincere Group), focusing on connector engineering and sales.
- 2008: ATG achieves ISO9001:2000
- 2007: Alysium-Tech Sdn Bhd (ATS) established in Pataling Jaya, nr Kuala Lumpur.
- 2006: Significant Increase in Self-Designed Assembly Business leads to co-operation with Elkat Malaysia.
- 2005: Alysium-Tech GmbH (ATG) founded.
- 2004: Initiation of co-operation with Hitachi Cable, Ltd, focusing on cable sales.
- 2004: Alysium-Tech oHG founded.
Scheduled public holiday overview relating
to our Sales and Production facilities:
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